Sun...Sea..If i have set the dials correctly i should be appropriately on a beach somewhere in Tel Aviv! Strange.. it certainly doesn't feel "warmer" here, i do hope i am not here in the wintertime that would be complete utter pants! Well one way to find out...
HELLLLLLLLLLLLLO TEL AVIV! Wait...this isn't Tel Aviv, it isn't Tel Aviv at all! I knew i must of messed something up in the calculations, The tardis is telling me i am in some sort of place called Appaloosa Plains, strange...must be a alien planet. Well i can't sit here all day work and adventure must be seen too, but it feels good to stretch those legs after a long ride....
Well i must say, not quite the hot and sunny beach i was intending on going to, there seems to be loads of dog like items here...Oh no no no no! The human race hasn't turned into dogs have they? I wonder who is the great dane that's leading the pack...
Well, it's nice to see the young puppies at play, they are so sweet when they are all small...But what is that off in the distance? That's a odd shaped dog, And....
Is is slowly running up to me? This is really interesting, i think he's playing with that little dog
Hahahaha! You can't catch me Omri! there is no way of you beating me in a race! I seriously need a nap after this for sure!. *Omri panting* Oh you think your so fast eh Chuckie? i am just giving you an advantage! Your fluffy little legs can not out run my man legs! Wait...who's that?
*Normal Speech*
YOU! You sir! i want to speak to you!
Omri? what is this woman saying? is she talking to me? is she talking to you? , Calm down Chuckie i know the language of these people.
*Normal Speech*
Please Sir! I just want a moment of your time! What is this place?
Hi, My name is Omri and this is my dog Chuckie, and your in a dog park ;) what else can i say?
Omri what does she want? I want to go home and take a nap, i have a very busy schedule of sleep to attended to!
I don't really know Chuckie, i think she's a bit lost but lets help her out if your sleepy you can just nap here, you always sleep on the floor in the summertime, it's the same here! I'll wake you up when we're going...
*Still Barking Mad*
So...You guys communicate with barking, this is extremely interesting, and i must say Omri, what are you? you look almost like man yet...So dog like tell me where you always like this? how did this dog gene become a part of you?
So know how to speak Dog all along?...
No no no Mr Chuckie, i have the power to listen to a conversation for a few seconds and become fluent, it's part of the many natural gifts you have in a Time Lord, or should i say Lady?...
Now Omri stand up, i want to take a quick look at you...Hold still!
Ayeeeeeeee....what is that thing?? your not going to stick that anywhere are you?? please say your not please!
Oh shush! Trust me...I'm The Doctor...
That doesn't help!
Whoa...You haven't been a Were-wolf for long have you...only for a few weeks, not many people know, only family and a few friends, and you can't change back...I didn't get everything but why can't you change back?
I have been a Were-Wolf for over a month now, and as much as i love being part of the dog life i do miss my human body, i would like to go a day without people asking me what i am, this is why i haven't told anyone, when i tell them i am a were-wolf they all run away and hide, but i am not going to hurt or harm them, i am just a normal guy living a not so normal life. I still remember the face of the one who turned me into a were-wolf, i still see him laughing...
If only i know what his name was, all he kept chanting was "I AM THE MASTER!" then he threw me out into the street and i woke up like this...
Though i do love doing it doggie style with Omri, i just miss his human-ness, if only I know how to change him back...sadly i really have no idea...
Omri!! Did you say this man chanted "I'M THE MASTER!"? Please tell me what did he look like?
Erm...he was blonde, he wore stylish shades and a jacket and he made green diamonds appear from his stick thing...
Blast Omri! That's the Master's newly regenerated form! Quick step into my office, i can help you! and together we can stop The Master's plans! Follow me!
Wait...we have only met for a brief few minutes and your asking me to join you in a police box? You have some strange daydreams lady but i am not going in there with you! Sorry No way!
Urgh...How can i prove to you that this isn't any ordinary police box? Ah! Wait... sit there and watch!
Wa...what's happening??
Holy...She wasn't lieing... i never knew phone booths can do such a thing!
Now do you believe me? Now come on, i need to learn more about your DNA so i can help cure you...
*Doggie whimpering*
I guess i'll head off home then...I have nothing to be cured of...
Mr Chuckie...there is always room for one more in this lean machine! Now hop on! let me show you around the place...
This...this can't not be possible! how is this possible? It's only a phone booth! What is this place? what's happening??
Omri dear could you please calm down? The Tardis looks small on the outside and large on the inside, i am 908 years old you get used to the strangeness after a while, now don't touch anything you don't understand!
While you two get acquainted with each other i am going to take a nap, see you all later!
Now come here, i need some of your hair so i can scan it, trust me, it wont hurt a bit...
Wow someone has a set of lungs on him...thanks for waking me up!
Geez Doc, i thought you said it wasn't going to hurt...
Well Omri...i did, it wasn't going to hurt me!
Now lets see what we can find...Ah...
Ah what? what's happening? Tell me!
Chill! we need a range of ingredients to create a elixr to make you human again....or have the power to change back and forth from Were-Wolf to Human...but it's not going to be easy...I suggest we should make a start on it now, this town must have some useful plants here, i hope you and Chuckie are good at hunting...
*End Of Chapter One*
*Plays Omri's Theme*
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