Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Gamescon & all that jazz!

I just wanted to forward some interesting tweets from simmers who are in Germany, live tweets will be on my feed to the left and you can also watch the live fottage from EA's booth to the left also, when Gamescon is over i will collect all my opinions on things about The Sims 4 and i went to get a link for the new forums from SimsVIP but is it me the forums are not loading? I keep getting a Error 404, it was working fine last night maybe it overheated? but thanks to Cor here is a link if anyone has any trouble! The Sims 4 Forums But anyway before i start yacking on Twitter and lose everything here are some tweets.

When more info comes i'll post that in another post, but to finalise, the last EP of TS3

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