Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Bahaha! Just Brilliant!

had a childish moment, i cracked up laughing at this xD

yes Pengy Sparkle Butt does have Butt Sparkles :P

14? xD on the other hand take the childish-ness out of it, there are some pretty weird people out there O.o


  1. LoL!

    I keep getting someone searching on my blog for "Adele Adkin's Feet". O.o Me thinks someone has a foot fetish. XD

  2. You haven't been truly disturbed until you've seen someone search for "Justin Bieber grabbing his balls" under your search keywords...I actually saw that on my blog statistics. WTF is wrong with these people? Lol


"You Can't Spell Uke without UK!! xDDD" Hetalia Fandom Rant

If I ever needed an excuse to leave this fandom, it would be this statement right here. The term "You can't spell Uke without UK...