Wednesday, 25 October 2017

"You Can't Spell Uke without UK!! xDDD" Hetalia Fandom Rant

If I ever needed an excuse to leave this fandom, it would be this statement right here. The term "You can't spell Uke without UK" angers me to the bone & I will tell you in fine detail on why it does. I have two major points on why it does: 1- You are degrading a well loved character within the Hetalia franchise to fuel your silly fetish. 2- It can come off as rather rude to people within the UK when you misrepresent the name & establish the meaning behind the word "Uke". So lets go into detail with the first point since I assume most of you are more focused on the character itself rather than the Union & let me point this out before continuing: The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland is a set of three countries & a province so by using the term "You can't spell Uke without UK" has been made invalid, you are defining the whole of the UK as a bunch of pathetic beings, seriously do you think more towards the Uke meaning rather than fueling your fetish? Uke's are nothing but a shame to a once strong character & if it isn't clear to you yet I find it disgusting. You are not only degrading the whole of the UK but England also, Do you have any idea what the British Empire did to the world? I highly doubt it since to the people who use this saying are a bunch of idiots who can not be arsed to read up on history, there were blood thirsty battles, hell was created.. yet you follow the ways of Hima's writing, you assume Arthur is a low life who cries at every opportunity, do you have any idea what England did to the US before the war on independence? If Hima did his research properly he would write Arthur during that time to be a complete utter arsehole, plus it wasn't just France on the US side there were many more allies to England including Portugal, PORTUGAL! One of the closest allies the Kingdom has in Europe. Think of it this way, lets call Portugal "Alfonso" for now, Alfonso is like an older brother to Arthur & wants him to make the right choices in life but after he began to tax & milk the money out of Alfred he agreed that something should be stopped, why is it depicted that Arthur is the victim here? He was the one that was causing the trouble..Oh but no.. you get your history from Hima don't you?

So allow me to elaborate more & I plead no offence to the original artists these images are merely helping me to define my point. All due respects to you both.

To define my vision on Uke Arthur we have a well loved character from the Hetalia franchise degraded into something petty, something weak, something useless an embarrassment to the name of "The Kingdom Of England" But you claim that this is a preference for you, how on earth did you manage to come up with this idea? How did you manage to formulate a logical idea that Arthur is designed to be rather wimpy? How did he become submissive? I have seen countless arts from USUK & FrUK showing how weak he has become, I have even heard claims that he has become this due to his height, this is just pathetic, it really is. It has come to a point where this isn't Arthur anymore but merely a face claim to your idiotic fetish. For gods sake every time I see rubbish like this I just want to completely delete my existence from the internet sphere. Its one point on why I refuse to make my RP Arthur Hetalia based, Its just sickening.

Now to the right of the page we see an image on how Arthur should really be depicted, of course this said image only defines one area of his nature & personality to which that is his strengths & his stealth when it comes to his spy based careers. I may be repeating myself here but I have to within this fandom but do you even acknowledge history at all? Do you know the history of England is at all? Or are you still basing your facts on Hetalia again? Let me elaborate one again, The British Empire, what about the 800 years of war between England & France? Or is that sexual tension in your petty little minds? Have some respect for history for crying out loud. Another thing, what about the wars with Spain? what about claiming Islands from other nations? Despise that I have slandered Arthur far too much already but you need to remember, Uke makes no sense for a man like Arthur, here are some definitions to help establish my point in greater detail. "partner on bottom, submissive one in relationship , usually younger and less experienced than the seme" The first part of the quote is debateable since its perfectly fine to take turns in a sexual endeavors you can't do the work all the time but what does get me is "Usually younger and less experienced than the seme" Can you see the dramatic fault here? Younger, The Kingdom of England was first united in 927 under the rule of Alfred The Great of Wessex, so this has completely destroyed the USUK ship but what about..lets say FrUK for example? Of course I do not condemn any ships, no ship in Hetalia that is regarding Arthur makes any sense to me but if we do look at FrUK for a moment Arthur & Francis should be equally matched hence this will play on their rivalry part of their relationship, they fight because they want to become better than the other. "ukes are usually cute, has less experience with sex, kind, those kinds of things." This Uke Arthur bollocks honestly makes me laugh besides pissing me off, Arthur, less experienced with Sex, Arthur, colonised most of the world. Minus the area that the Scots have colonised *Cough cough, Canada, Arthur's brother Alasdair is Matthew's father, cough cough* Arthur has shagged & planted his seed throughout the world & come on, he was once a blood thirsty pirate, do you know what a blood thirsty pirate is or what it does? "The dominant partner in a gay male on male romantic relationship in Japanese yaoi anime and manga, doujinshi and fanfiction. The seme is said to 'top' his uke. The seme is often (but not always) the older of the two/ more serious/ dark/ mysterious and more 'handsome' than 'cute'." I really do not need to explain myself even further, what has been said has been said but.. before I end my post here today there is one thing that all of us could agree on. something that isn't a Uke & something that isn't a Seme.


"A slang word usually used in yaoi (male/male intimate relationships) culture, made by combining the Japanese terms "seme" (the dominant one) and "uke" (the submissive one). It describes a person that enjoys both positions in a relationship and moves between the two based on his mood, the mood of his partner, and the situation itself." Arthur can be quite the emotional manipulator, he is aware of his sweet nature & uses it to his advantage. By default he would have a strong nature about him, a nature that projects to others that he is a force not to be reckoned with, his pirate side has never died only contained within the depths of his mind & with one false move or something he finds displeasing he would strike. Regarding his sweet side he would use it when the inevitable is approaching, most notably the referendum on Scottish Independence, the Union means the world to Arthur plus himself & Alasdair are as stubborn as each other arguing would only make matters worse so in regards to this comic strip that I will post below, Arthur uses his sweet nature towards his brother to make him think otherwise. 


Image 1: Pixiv Id 75556
Image 2: Posted By Erika F. Jones on Pinterest
Image 3: Opormore
Image 4: margo_sama

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Quick Kleeneze Rant

Hello all, Its been a while since I've made a proper blog entry here I really didn't have anything to say well something that wasn't worth a blog entry but today I have a bit of a rant by once again the scum of the earth "Kleeneze" I do hope my previous post on them helped a few people on not to register with the company (If you've applied for a role with them & not signed up you are safe just stop all forms of communication with your sponsor to be)

So today I finally saw the true colours of the people who work behind Kleeneze, these people & I will not be naming names as I do not wish to lower myself to their level of incompetence. This morning I was casually browsing my Facebook feed & I came across a post that spoke to me personally "Kleeneze Clerk A" posted a message of their experiences & it was positive, Me wanting to join in with the conversation I share the post within my feed so it didn't bother their comment section however my situation with this certain subject wasn't positive, I was hoping to have an intelligent conversation with my friends but from out of the blue my sponsor rudely commented addressing why should I post about my issues within my life, I thought.. excuse me this is my Facebook I have every right to comment about my past no matter how good or bad it may have been, She really had the nerve to make her way to comment, excuse you do you not know that if you do not like something you can go ahead & ignore it? Of course I could've done the same but this said post really spoke to me & not every situation is perfect & not everything is seen through rose coloured glasses. In a sense I felt that my /sponsor/ was stopping me making free speech, I feel that they were stopping me addressing the wrongs within the world, stopping me from saying things that she didn't like herself. For goodness sake grow up you're twice my age you should really be showing the younger generation an example.. you are indeed failing at that.

I'm going to be honest with you I've always had a strange feeling about my /sponsor/ every time they checked up on me it felt rather intimidating, now I am the type of person who takes no shit from anyone & I have been so close to telling them to go fuck themselves but I've stopped myself. I always saw them posting on Facebook every month that they've traveled the world, yes I bet its fantastic using all that scam money so you can live your life to the fullest while us little people who you could never give two fresh shits to are working our arses off just to find a decent paid job that'll accept us.

I bet you, I bet you now ladies & gents my /sponsor/ is out there right now telling new recruits that I am one of the lazy ones, cause that's how it goes, they may look sweet & lovely on the outside but as soon as you're part of the team they are one nasty piece of work. This may sound a bit much but.. registering to be part of Kleeneze was the biggest mistake I have made in 2017, please if you are reading this & planning on being part of the company, save your time & money.. I know looking for work is tough but there are better options than Kleeneze.

Please, Just please listen.
Thank You

I've unfriended everyone who was part of Kleeneze on my facebook, I couldn't bear to remember my time with them, it was just disgusting.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Hetalia Spinoff: Tsungirisu

Theme Song:

The title is a mixture of Tsundere & Igirisu.

I have had this thought bubbling in my head all day Saturday. I think it would be interesting to write a draft of a script for Tsungirisu. Obviously Hima is taking his sweet time introducing the rest of the UK & other relations. If I am going to be honest this script would contain a fair bit of logic while also I want to have a good amount of banter.

How I am visualising it, Arthur will be the main character due to his characteristics being more familiar to fans, it wouldn’t make sense if he was addressed as Igirisu since that means “Britain” he would technically be called イングランド [Ingurando]. Within the first script Scotland スコットランド [Sukottorando], Wales ウェールズ [U~ēruzu], Northen Ireland 北アイルランド [Kitaairurando] & アイルランド [Airurando] plus not forgetting Sealand シーランド [Shīrando]. They will all display different variations of the Tsundere trait, they all maybe different but in all fairness they are alike.

The introduction will be set in the modern day, The UK & Ireland finished their trade agreement meeting & they’re about to knock off for the day, the topic will expand on their nature & personalities while getting some serious issues plus being able to tell a joke here & there.

At some point I would like to write historical scripts but I’ll stick with the modern script for now & see where that’ll take me. I will update you all on this idea on a later date, I just wanted to put this basic idea out there since it has been stuck in my head all day. 

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Hetalia: The Fandom's Interpretation Of Arthur Kirkland

I've been meaning to write about this topic for over a week now but I haven't managed to find the time till now to jot something down. The weeks can get rather busy for me & at best I can only get the things that I really want to do during the weekend. Fresher mind, an excuse not to do any adult things, the weekends are a blessing but.. before I ramble on about my love affair with the weekend I would like to talk about the Fandom's interpretation of Arthur Kirkland or most notably "aphEngland"

I would like to give a disclaimer before I make a start on this. I am criticising Fanon Arthur, I may briefly speak about HetaCanon & Canon Arthur. To define the two HetaCanon is what we see in the Hetalia series & Canon is the spirit of England itself. Now I do have intentions about writing a post about ships, I really do not understand ships in Hetalia but I will see how this entry goes down.

So, if we're all ready, lets begin.

Today we will be looking at the two main interpretations of Arthur within the fandom, the two that stood out to me more. They are & what I tend to call them "Baby" & "This Cunt". Now its beyond me why & how people managed to change Arthur & view him as either one of the two, to be fair I can understand the "This Cunt" approach, we got to take into account the "Tsundere" nature of England itself, Being born & raised in England for the past 25 years I can confirm that this is a common trait but not what you may think it is, we'll come back to it later on in the update.

But lets start of with the one that bothers me the most the "Baby". To wrap the personality into a nutshell basically what the "Baby" is, is that the fandom has turned Arthur into a weak, submissive, delicate little flower that supposedly gets bullied & is ordered around by anyone who is anyone, May I ask & this is an intelligent question, How & where did this idea come from? There is no where in Hima's script that Arthur is depicted in this light, However & I'm taking a long shot here, is there some form of fetish being involved here? I'm talking about ships, USUK, FrUK, that sort of rubbish, Lord have mercy I do have a very strong opinion on them but I won't dabble on it too much. But from what I have noticed Arthur is always the "Feminine" character in these ships, may I ask why is this the case? Why is he this.. "Uke" Please tell me since I haven't the foggiest why he is being portrayed in this light & if I am going to be honest with you, its rather disheartening.

Before I carry on its perfectly fine to have a character like this in a ship but what isn't ok is changing a strong, powerful nation & turning him into someone who most deem to be pathetic. A ship should be based around a personality & not around sex, really if that's the case with most pairings with "Baby" then that is disgusting, Improve your writing that's my advice here. If you have a desire to write smut with or about Arthur more power to you, I have done it & I am proud of it cause.. well Damn Son. Just don't change who he is, if you're changing who Arthur is then he isn't Arthur anymore, if you admire him & if you truly love the man you would keep him the same.

Now then, "This Cunt" again this one is slightly more understandable but I have noticed people taking this trait a bit too far. There is being a Tsundere & there is being an arsehole. But with this case people over use the phrases "Bloody Hell" "Wanker" & is often depicted in being overly argumentative, defensive, offensive & very limited on vocabulary plus knowledge on other common traits the nation of England, "This Cunt" character seems to be the common trait amongst Arthur RP'ers, I have unfortunately been approached by these certain RP'ers & they felt that they had the right to come forth & "attack" me for no logical reason, sadly it seems that most accounts are like this. I have been warned countless times about these types of writers. To be honest this is also an disgusting act. With that if that's your depiction about the people of England then I am insulted you are just awful. Do pardon me for going into a mini rant, with a topic like this its hard not to go into one & I am sure that you the reader understand where I am coming from, from the people I do RP with they will definitely understand.

Now if we looked towards the HetaCanon Arthur we notice the following traits, Distant, Romanticist, Has a softer side to his harsh nature, Arrogant & Prideful, Over-Imaginative, Sharp-tongued, Useless, Spacey, Unrealistic, Cynical, Blunt & many more. As you can see from the two Fanon points we've spoken about there is no way he is either an effeminate or someone who has his head up his arse all the time. I'm thinking that the reason why Arthur is being portrayed in this light is down to young writers who are unaware about the true natures of England or need to properly expand on their writing & knowledge. You need to be aware, you do not need to change someone or a character to make a good story, you can make up a great story with how Arthur currently is.

Before I finish this entry I would like to dive into my depiction of Arthur. I have taken traits from the stereotype of England itself & expanded on them, I have completely ignored the trait where his cooking is bad, this is something that I didn't understand when I first got into Hetalia, it is slightly annoying if I am going to be fair, I will admit it was funny at first but considering that kids who do not take the time to research up a country before RPing is infuriating. Again I am going off topic, his cooking is indeed a little different to everyone else but it isn't awful, the true qualities that his dishes have are the ingredients rather than what the dish looks like. I have also made that he has a sense of humour, has his wit, very sarcastic & sassy. Some may say that these points make him rude but I would say its the lack of understanding of how we say things over here. We may tend to be cold at first but in time we will warm up to you, now what i mean by this is that we prefer to get to know someone before we talk more about our personal lives & dreams, to which this is what I have done with Arthur, approach him in a pleasant manner he'll be rather nice, approach him in a rude manner he will react in a brutal way & would be less inclined to warm up to you. I have made my Arthur in a modern point of view, he doesn't hate his brothers, which is another point on what I don't understand about the fanon character, where did people get the idea that his brothers are abusive? Arthur & his brothers are cunts equally, Alasdair is as much of a cunt as Arthur is no one is a perfect little snowflake. Arthur & his brothers get along, they act like any other family, the fight & they love. I have also established that Arthur is a closet pervert, he will never express any sexual wants or desires to anyone, apart from the one person he truly loves & with the story I've got going its with Shreya (Constantinople), My goodness they are so cute together! Just imagining them both getting all snuggly together is just adorable!

In conclusion both "Baby" & "That Cunt" are insulting. They are boiled down to nothing but one being a helpless mess that can't do anything without the need of his senpai & the latter is something that new writers need to really develop their skills on, its a poor depiction but keep working on your talent & you'll soon establish Arthur in the correct light.

And with that I will end this post, I have been at this all evening & I think I have written enough. Again this was something that I wanted to get off my chest for a long time & I have finally done so, however I do have more to rant about but again I will how this entry goes down first.

Take Care Squad!

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Thinking About Joining Kleeneze?

Dear Reader,

This is my open letter to you, an open letter for me to share my experience with Kleeneze with you. As you're reading this I can only assume that you have an interest in working from home & I wouldn't blame you it sounds like a fantastic idea! Doing a little job on the side, spending time with your family perfect isn't it? Or is it too perfect? Does it sound a bit too good to be true? Now my dear reader I'm not asking you to listen to me or do what I did but I want you to read my experience & give you some food for thought.

I can only assume that you are currently doing a bit of research on the company, wise choice! I have never heard of Kleeneze before I applied via TotalJobs, unfortunately it wasn't till I saw a number of reviews stating the same thing constantly. "Get Rich Quick Scheme" "Little Return" Allow me to give you a few examples but before doing so, I find it rather suspicious that all good reviews come from generic looking accounts. Here is my first example to better understand my situation.

Link To Examples

Now please observe these generic looking examples. Which review do you trust more?

Lets go back to my experience for a moment, When was new to the business I was told not to listen to the reviews as they were & I quote from my sponsor "By people who couldn't be bothered & didn't work hard" at the time & I can still agree with that it was a rather rude & harsh comment, Who knows if my sponsor could be saying such things about me to new workers, whose to say that my sponsor could be talk about me to you?

My Dear Reader I am no slacker, I own my own small Media Production business, I have been to University for three years, I worked my fingers to the bone for Kleeneze & I got nothing in return apart from a box full of catalogs that no one will ever read. Be honest with me reader, do you read every catalog that comes through your letterbox? What about the little flyers from shops around town? Have you read that flyer that Boyes sent out? Yes, My point exactly. Dear reader, does this look like someone who would slack on their business? I have endless of files within this folder, advertisements, letters, everything. All that hard work & no progression.

Here is another example of "Tongue & Cheek" If business takes years to perfect, isn't there an issue on its own? If its been going for 90 years shouldn't there be some sort of progression for new business owners? Even being part of Kleeneze for a while their videos have that strange vibe in them, take a look at this video & read the gent's comments, it doesn't feel professional.

Allow me to give you another example, Here we have a gent speaking about the MLM based companies & how their methods do not work, Kleeneze is a MLM company. Fun Fact before I show you the video the situation with MLM companies, they remind me a lot about call centres & people who tend to cold call you. I, Myself have spent some time in a call centre & the methods are very alike. Its bothersome & people just want to carry on with their lives.

To finish off my blog entry on this I will leave you with the final advice my sponsor gave me when I was at my wits end, I couldn't find anyone who would be interested in the business, The Catalogs didn't work & nor did the online shop that was created. Me: I've tried to get the family interested & I have struggled to get anywhere with the neighbours. Plus with hardly any money coming in I wouldn't fancy paying £30. I would need to seek out other forms of work before I go into greater depths of catalogs."  Sponsor: i don't know what else to suggest. I've never had anyone that couldn't find at least 5 people to hand catalogues to. Or who were prepared to knock on a few doors to hand them out. At the end of the day they are not earning you anything sitting in your own home so you may as well pop them through 5 doors with a polite notice saying you will call for them tomorrow. 

And with that I did everything I could. I am currently in the process of leaving Kleeneze & I am looking forward to the day where I no longer need to worry about it anymore.

Disclaimer: My Experience here is no way in any shape or form attacking the company, I respect everyone within Kleeneze, the people that I have worked with have been fantastic, I am just stating that the marketing & the process was not my thing, I am sharing my point of view & giving potential business owners a bit of food for thought. I admire & respect my sponsor & the people in the group I was in & the other members of Kleeneze who tried their hardest to get my business up & running, I wish them nothing but the best for their future endeavours. 

If you the reader would like to get in contact with me about my experience please drop a comment & I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading! 

Friday, 18 August 2017

So After 5 Years I'm Back

Well, that depends with life going the way it is I have no idea how I am going to keep up a schedule for me to create a habit to write here often, it is something I would like to do more of.. I mean I have redecorated the place, new name, new appearance.. I haven't gotten rid of the old posts.. I couldn't be bothered to deal with all that.. its too much.. I thought I should crack on updating everything.. I'm still in the process of doing that. I hope that this forwards to Tumblr, I would like to share my stories there as well as here.

I do have a few topics that I would like to talk about. One is regarding my situations with a certain company known as Kleeneze, I would like to get that up as soon as possible.. I do have some wise words to share for potential shop owners for the business. What I can share right now is: Please think its not as easy as they say it is.

The other subject I would like to talk about is regarding The Hetalia Fandom, mostly revolving around RP & people who RP as Arthur Kirkland. If you don't know me I currently write within the eyes of the green gentleman. I would like to share my disgust on how a select number of individuals portray him, its disgusting.

I just wanted to write something up to tell you all that this blog will be coming back to life, so expect some interesting posts within days to come. I'm looking forward to it.. I needed a place where I could write about myself & share the wonders that flow within my mind. So let the good times role!

I'm off to dabble, Take Care Squad.   

"You Can't Spell Uke without UK!! xDDD" Hetalia Fandom Rant

If I ever needed an excuse to leave this fandom, it would be this statement right here. The term "You can't spell Uke without UK...