Saturday, 7 October 2017

Quick Kleeneze Rant

Hello all, Its been a while since I've made a proper blog entry here I really didn't have anything to say well something that wasn't worth a blog entry but today I have a bit of a rant by once again the scum of the earth "Kleeneze" I do hope my previous post on them helped a few people on not to register with the company (If you've applied for a role with them & not signed up you are safe just stop all forms of communication with your sponsor to be)

So today I finally saw the true colours of the people who work behind Kleeneze, these people & I will not be naming names as I do not wish to lower myself to their level of incompetence. This morning I was casually browsing my Facebook feed & I came across a post that spoke to me personally "Kleeneze Clerk A" posted a message of their experiences & it was positive, Me wanting to join in with the conversation I share the post within my feed so it didn't bother their comment section however my situation with this certain subject wasn't positive, I was hoping to have an intelligent conversation with my friends but from out of the blue my sponsor rudely commented addressing why should I post about my issues within my life, I thought.. excuse me this is my Facebook I have every right to comment about my past no matter how good or bad it may have been, She really had the nerve to make her way to comment, excuse you do you not know that if you do not like something you can go ahead & ignore it? Of course I could've done the same but this said post really spoke to me & not every situation is perfect & not everything is seen through rose coloured glasses. In a sense I felt that my /sponsor/ was stopping me making free speech, I feel that they were stopping me addressing the wrongs within the world, stopping me from saying things that she didn't like herself. For goodness sake grow up you're twice my age you should really be showing the younger generation an example.. you are indeed failing at that.

I'm going to be honest with you I've always had a strange feeling about my /sponsor/ every time they checked up on me it felt rather intimidating, now I am the type of person who takes no shit from anyone & I have been so close to telling them to go fuck themselves but I've stopped myself. I always saw them posting on Facebook every month that they've traveled the world, yes I bet its fantastic using all that scam money so you can live your life to the fullest while us little people who you could never give two fresh shits to are working our arses off just to find a decent paid job that'll accept us.

I bet you, I bet you now ladies & gents my /sponsor/ is out there right now telling new recruits that I am one of the lazy ones, cause that's how it goes, they may look sweet & lovely on the outside but as soon as you're part of the team they are one nasty piece of work. This may sound a bit much but.. registering to be part of Kleeneze was the biggest mistake I have made in 2017, please if you are reading this & planning on being part of the company, save your time & money.. I know looking for work is tough but there are better options than Kleeneze.

Please, Just please listen.
Thank You

I've unfriended everyone who was part of Kleeneze on my facebook, I couldn't bear to remember my time with them, it was just disgusting.

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