Saturday, 31 August 2013

This got me thinking, Thanks Julian xD

 Just thinking about the life of The Sekemotos (as i normally do :P)
The Sims 3 is set in the past before The Sims (Mortimer & Bella grow up and have Cassandra, guessing that they would be young adults) Sam is a toddler in TS3 while Mortimer & Bella are kids, in TS1 Sam could just be pushing to the Young Adult age while Leighton is having a mid life crisis and getting wrinkley yet Yumi could of passed away =d which thinking about that already makes me sad.

So TS2 is the future to TS and if sims up one age then i can see what is happening by the time TS4 comes around, hopfully the Sekemotos will make a come back but not as i/we know it, what i am seeing is Sammy will be a elder...and....Leighton has been dead a long while Q-Q, i have only seen Sammy as an elder once before in another save and it feels kinda odd O-o

I saw this tweet last night and i had a odd dream O-o
Welp, either way if they did bring the Sekemoto's back then i can see it being like that, would be awesome to create a future story! and either way i will be recreating anyway :P

I place this here for "feels"

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Thursday, 22 August 2013

So my thoughts on The Sims 4?

If you haven't check it out yet then you really should!

Lets Begin!

So ok i am going to be honest with you all, when i first layed eyes on the sims in The Sims 4 i thought, what the hell? Aren't they going a little bit backwards with this? These sims look like TS2 & TS3 had a baby and this was it but this was before i understand a few facts. Remember how TS3 was such a computer buster with all it's requirements? Maybe the team took this problem at hand and understood that not everyone has a awesome super computer, wouldn't it be great to have a game that works for once right? So what if the sims look like clay?

Oh my good night have you seen cas? Look at what you can do, now taking into account that the game is still in very very early pre-alpha and it's not going to look like this forever and at this stage i find it pretty awesome and i know it's going to be more awesome as the months grow on, i honestly think we are going to get a pretty awesome game at the end and hopfully it will work on all computers and weaker computers and even better elderly computers. My laptop is fine now but looking at five to six years down the line it's going to get tired and it wont be able to do much.

So, do i like what i see? Yes indeed i do! there is room for improvments and we do indeed have time! I like that we have a half of slider type things and "Hands On" with the sims, If there is no Sekemoto's in the base game...well..I'm going to have fun recreating Leighton.  "If you know what i mean..." 

That's my thoughts so far, i don't really need to express my love for "Into The Future" EP, i am sure you all know that i am exploding with awesome sauces and fangirling. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below, Is this game for you? Are you sticking to TS3? Or are you waiting a little while?

EA Live At Gamescon, Sims Live Broadcast At 16:00 BST -Edit Replay Added-

Which...that would make it 17:00 in Germany cause they are a hour ahead, but yeah if the live broadcast is a interest to you come back here or SimsVIP or anywhere that is displaying the live footage, I'm just here with a video and keeping an eye on Twitter! It does play automatically but that is out of my control =d


Here is the replay of the Live Broadcast thanks to SilentDancer on The Sims 4 forums 

PT2 from SimsVIP

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Gamescon & all that jazz!

I just wanted to forward some interesting tweets from simmers who are in Germany, live tweets will be on my feed to the left and you can also watch the live fottage from EA's booth to the left also, when Gamescon is over i will collect all my opinions on things about The Sims 4 and i went to get a link for the new forums from SimsVIP but is it me the forums are not loading? I keep getting a Error 404, it was working fine last night maybe it overheated? but thanks to Cor here is a link if anyone has any trouble! The Sims 4 Forums But anyway before i start yacking on Twitter and lose everything here are some tweets.

When more info comes i'll post that in another post, but to finalise, the last EP of TS3

Monday, 19 August 2013

Oh my goodness, just finished my 18th 1/2 Hour lesson!

AND I DID SO FRICKIN' WELL TODAY!! :D No more stalling the car (i haven't done that in a while so..) I am stopping and starting the car much better now! I feel so professional :D. Today i was practicing my speed control, if i fall at a certain point (i.e if the red needle almost falls below the 10) i would need to switch to a lower gear, but that's if i am slowing down- if i was to speed up the same applies but..erm lets say that i am in gear one, the revs where going up to 20, i would need to go into gear two. If you are stuck in a slow gear and pushing hard and fast on the car, the car will overheat and mess up and we don't want that.

Oh! I am getting better at setting off at traffic lights, my lesson before the one i had today i was terrified! But now...i feel confident! they no longer frighten me! >:D, Can we just have a moment and party?

Apart from giving me directions and staring a random conversation, my instructor Stephen just says...It's funny cause it's true xD

Soon...the big deal is happening..He is going to teach me how to..."maneuver"...Only pictures can discribe how i am feeling about this...

Just like when i first went around a roundabout & traffic lights...I'm a bit nervous but i don't think he'll give me anything too difficult at first, maybe we'll do one thing twice and another thing twice and that would be one lesson...good greif i don't even know how to reverse the car yet! I can go forward but not back O.o ..but all of this would be happening next week cause there is a bank holiday coming up, he told me to work on my theory...I'm just here looking at my computer screen like...

I just need some confidence in it before i go forking out another £30 on a exam. I AM NOT FAILING A SECOND TIME! I think i'll either do a little bit today or chill...cause i did good today! I did really good!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sekemoto Adventures 18/08/13

So we brought a baby changing station, the toddlers love it! but our little babies...they seem to be a bit frighted of the water in the bath or being changed...

What's up with this powder?

How on earth did you get milk to smell like that?

Welp, least you smell like lavenders now.

Have to say this bath is meant for babies, toddlers are way too big to splish and splash around, but they are having fun and getting a nice bath all at the same time!

Leighton hold the fort by keeping a eye on the babies...and then left them on the floor, while i made the toddlers happy. Sam make a quick dash while David got of the Buzzy Bee, even when he is a kid of his age he still loves that ride!

Everything was going swell! Untill..

God knows what happened in that ship! But luckily the alien brought him back, Leighton did complain of a sore booty...

But that didn't stop him from telling Sam a cooking story!

Urgh, maybe if i go to sleep now maybe he'll stop reading me this junk?

Could this day get any more hecktic? the Quads seem more fussier than normal...

Though our two sets of twins where quite happy playing with eachother in their little play pens!

Leighton the baby shelf! Sometimes he stands in one spot for hours on end holding a baby...

Sam isn't too pleased by Sylvester making loud noises in the early hours of the morning!

It was a warm night and Yumi played some relaxing music, thought i'd join in...a happy pregnancy makes happy babies! Not that i have happy babies right now but more happy is the best right! 

Leighton does love his romance books, i don't personally read..books to me are foot stools! But if he's happy then i am happy!

That following morning...

Mhm....Lot of moss on the hills this morning!

They weren't lying that Grasshopper pie had Grasshoppers in it!

There was a bit of a birthday party going on! Matt, Alfie, Sylvester, Oswin, Oswald & Paul all aged up!

Twins Matt & Alfie are kids and the quads, Sylvester, Oswin, Oswald & Paul are toddlers! Quite the funny picture too!

Then...Labour...hours later i gave birth to another four babies, Josefin, Hugo, Peter & Emma!

Sammy did have his birthday, he grew up rather well! 

Had to buy a new play pen for the other two toddlers, and it's getting quite crowded around here! I think we need to extend this room for more younglings!

Sam is a good boy and looking after some of the babies, it takes a lot of weight off our shoulders cause you know babies, they can get pretty fussy!

Sam wanted to learn how to drive before school starts, it was a bad idea to bring little Peter along he got very tired and made a huge racket! but Sam managed to learn to drive which was the main thing!

Working on a new look i see? Have i ever told you that i don't like clowns?

Oh my god Dad! What the hell is this? That is so weird!


Everything all back to normal we extended the Nursery and added a rocking chair, it was something that he wanted!

Oh! Looks like we have another birthday party to sort out here! First goes our little Clara, then David and then our youngest Quads, Josefin, Hugo, Peter & Emma.

Our youngest set currently! Children, Clara & David. Toddlers Josefin, Hugo, Peter & Emma. Slowing down on the baby making now, starting to run out of room in this house!

For more pictures go here-> Sekemoto Adventures (Facebook Album)








13 (Almost at the halfway mark!


"You Can't Spell Uke without UK!! xDDD" Hetalia Fandom Rant

If I ever needed an excuse to leave this fandom, it would be this statement right here. The term "You can't spell Uke without UK...