Saturday, 23 March 2013

Picture Spam #26

Finally got another picture spam up! I am starting to forget about them =d but not today! ^^; posting over 430 images and squished them down into a 8 minute video, hope you like!

Click Here

As you can see i have finally got a copy of Uni, after waiting two weeks of waiting i got what i wanted but that long wait caused me to buy a copy (at that time i had no idea if it was coming or not) So i have two copies, the Limited Edition that i wanted and a standard version, i am planning on selling the Standard version. I am currently researching and thinking of places that buys copies of the game cause apparently i can't return it cause it's no longer in it's packaging, which is dumb >.<

Also i would like to give a huge epic awesome thank you to Sharon, blacksheba1973 . She gifted me a Origin copy of the game on Tuesday. THANK YOU! I wasn't really expecting anything and this was super duper awesome! ^^ and yes it is a awesome late birthday present ^^ and i love it! and i am happy to say the game is being loved to the extreme!

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